Corporate governance is about maximizing shareholder value legally, ethically and on a sustainable basis. At Ananta, the goal of corporate governance is to ensure fairness for every stakeholder – our customers, investors, vendor-partners and the community. We believe that the highest standards of corporate governance are essential to our business integrity and performance. We strive to follow a corporate governance framework that promotes transparent and fair markets, and the efficient allocation of resources, along with being in accordance with the legal, supervisory and enforcement requirements. philosophy

Our corporate governance philosophy is based on the following principles:

    • Satisfying the spirit of the law and not just the letter of the law.
    • Going beyond the law in upholding corporate governance standards.
    • Maintaining transparency and a high degree of disclosure levels.
    • Clear distinction between personal convenience and corporate resources.
    • Communicating externally in a truthful manner about internal practices.
    • Simple and transparent corporate structure driven solely by business needs.
    • Driving the business on the following basis - 'when in doubt, disclose'.

Ananta board oversees how the management serves and protects the long-term interests of all our stakeholders and ensures the highest standards of corporate governance. As a part of our commitment to follow global best practices, we comply with the corporate governance guidelines of countries.